Saturday 3 September 2011

Some great new reviews

It's always a bit scary reading reviews but I'm pleased to say there has been some great stuff said about the stories I've had published this year, so while I'm in the holding pattern of "waiting to hear" on my latest batch, thought I would post a few reviews here: many of these are great sites in their own right and well worth a visit:

The Triangular Trade, Jupiter Magazine:

sfrevu's thoughts available by clicking here.

The Walrus and the Icebreaker, Interzone:

Locus Mag's views available here and John's Reading's review here and SFRevu's thoughts here while Best sf's review is right here

Rex in The Fiction Desk:

A review from Casual Debris can be read here...

1 comment:

  1. Well done, man! Some good reviews of excellent stories - long may it all continue!
